I don't know if I have ever mentioned this before or not but, Madi LOVES superheros!!! Almost everyday she asks me, "Guess who I am!" and I have a long list of superheros to go through before I get the right one. There's Spiderman, Dash, Violet, Elastigirl, Batman, Robin, Starfire, Raven, Wolverine (who she refers to as Walgreen's..hahaha) Shera, Word Girl, just to name a few. So I wasn't surprised when she made up her very own superhero ALASKA GIRL! I have no idea why she picked that name. She didn't know (until I told her) that Alaska was a place. But I thought it was pretty funny. She likes to dress up as a superhero whenever she has a chance. She will ask me to clip a dish towel around her neck with a chip clip for a cape whenever she gets her hands on one. This time we were doing the laundry and she thought that her Dads red shirt looked like the perfect Alaska Girl cape. Because "Alaska Girl wears red, and she has spiky things in her bones that will hurt you if you touch her. So don't touch her." We had fun putting together a little costume with what we had laying around. She is such a funny girl!
5 years ago